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VF-001 demining machine is also based on an AHWI GmbH RT-400 chassis (undercarriage). Though the AHWI GmbH RT-400 is a land-clearing and forestry machine and not suitable for demining and mine-clearance applications, the VF-001 machine it has been completely redesigned, modified and certified for such tasks. Controlled from safe distance with high-quality HBC Radiomatic remote control system, the VF-001 medium-size demining machine has been designed for the most difficult terrain, conditions and high temperatures.
The whole machine is protected with an additional armour shield constructed by Istrazivac experts which ensure maximum safety for all machine’s sensitive parts and electronics, including remote control electronics. Armor shield was constructed with a HARDOX 450 boards, thickness 10 mm.
Istrazivac has built and can supply a completely new working tool, with a range of tillers and flails available depending on terrain type and the buyer’s needs. Unlike the old AHWI GmbH RT-400, the new machine also offers a high-quality remote control system. The VF-001, medium-sized demining machine, has been tested and certified by the Croatian Mine Action Center (CROMAC) Center for Testing and Research, and meets all requirements for use in humanitarian demining activities, passing tests on all anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.